Gretchen, Greta, Goodie, Mommy: Call me what you want!

Gretchen, Greta, Goodie, Mommy:  Call me what you want!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bring on the Tears #2

1. Don't watch Twilight before bed if romantic tension affects you like a double shot of caffeine! WOO HOO!!!

2. Remember that going through your deceased Grandmother's things is hard, but she wouldn't want YOU to throw away something impt. b/c SHE definitely didn't. I am so much like her it is unreal...I save everything! Old bills, letters, cards, notes, childhood writings. I can only imagine the amt. of time that it will take to sort through my things when I am gone! Today I found my Papa's birth certificate, the matching key to her safety deposit box, a fake book report that I wrote while playing school at her house tucked inside an old calculator, and I have so much more to sort through. It was hard but comforting! Even seeing her handwriting on the outside of old bills made me feel close to her at that very instant! I miss her sooooo much! Watching Parker run around in her empty house (not empty with material things, but empty b/c everyone is gone now and no one is living there any longer) made me feel close to her too instead of sad...I knew that she would have loved him so much just like she did Ginger and I if only she were there and healthy. Watching him make himself at home just like we always did so many times before just brought a smile to my face and I can't count the amt. of times I told the boy that Mamascoot would have loved to be there with him so bad! She was with me today, I know because she gave me some healing time that I felt like I had missed!

3. Don't write a #2 like I did and expect to have a meaning #3,#4, or #5!

4. Keep a box of Kleenex next to your computer when you blog! You never know what might pop into your mind to write and who knows you might end of crying like a baby and have to change your shirt before bed because you used the bottom of it as a tear wiper and it is soaked!

5. Always tell and show those you choose to surround yourself with that you love them whenever the urge hits you, even if it is a two year old, excuse me three year old, who decides to take his pants off just because he felt like it while playing! I just looked at him and said, "You silly boy, I just love you and your imaginary tag that is bothering you!" I will never doubt the love my Grandmother had for me and it is because she constantly surrounded me with it!

Friday, July 9, 2010

5 for!

1. When cleaning, avoid wearing a strapless bra...needless to say it will drive you crazy and end up as a belt!

2. Toilets are just nasty anyway you look at them, YUCK. I think that whoever invented the disposable toilet wand was very intelligent!

3. Don't feed your 3 year old leftover birthday cake for breakfast, illness will follow especially if they stayed up past their bedtime the night before eating birthday cake!

4. Realize that after you clean, people will come right behind you and dirty things up again...just smile and be glad that you got the old germs out of the way for new ones.

5. Enjoy your weekend, it will go by way too fast. Especially for me (whose mom is coming into town to visit :)), or those on vacation, pretty much for everyone who isn't working!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

On the Brink of 3!

On the brink of Parker's third birthday I can't help but look back at how much my baby boy has grown and seems so long ago that he was so small and couldn't talk, or walk...nursing and pumping seems like just a distant memory except when I look down in the shower (lol), and they seemed to consume my whole existence not long ago. I have loved motherhood...the smiles, sweet kisses, laughter, stories, memories,outside adventures, and of course all the firsts of everything. But I can't say that I will ever forget the hard times...severe reflux, sleepless nights, emotional roller coasters of hormones, and just adjusting to life all over again.
In the beginning our days were filled with cuddling, snoozing, nursing, nursing, and did I say nursing? Lots of little tiny dirty diapers, and endless clothing changes from the millions of times that Parker would spew b/c of that mean ol' reflux. I remember being so worried that he was going to get choked in the night and I wasn't going to hear him. The first night home I remember that Chris and I put him in the bassinet next to the bed and we both tried to stay awake all night just to keep and eye on him. Whew. I am not quick to ever say that I am tired or sleepy because I found out back then what tired and sleepy really meant. :) During my prayers each night even now I still thank God for SLEEP!
With this little face I couldn't have ever known a greater love! I found dedication that I didn't even know I had within me. I also found a greater appreciation for all moms out there!
The tongue phase was so funny!
It didn't matter how cold, hot, or windy it was; Parker and I strolled down the dirt road everyday at least 10 times. He never would ride in the stroller on a smooth surface like in a mall, it had to be bumpy and outdoors! Also, I spent many days, weeks, months in pj's all day just trying to find a way to get it all together alone while Chris was at work. It is so funny/challenging that adjustment period!

Photo shoots are still going on because this time is so precious and fleeting. I love looking back at pics like this now when I would try to get him doing something, and then he wouldn't cooperate. Now I am glad that he didn't because I love seeing him in action! even though I wish I could record every single memory, moment, sweet conversation I will end here with a top ten of the things that I have learned as a mom in 3 years.

1. I am beginning to sense that a 3 year old is more determined than a 2 year old.

2. You will sleep again, even though you never think you will!

3. Whoever said that a potty trained child is easier than one in diapers has never ridden to the beach with Parker.

4. It really is harder to discipline your child than you thought BUT you have to no matter what! I remember saying, "If that was my child I would ....". I have eaten those words one to many times.

5. Enjoy all the little moments that you tend to rush through just to get it done ie. bath time, rocking your baby to sleep. I treasure all of our sweet little moments just before bedtime when we are snuggled up praying and talking.

6. Don't try to be supermom, and don't assume that the way you do/did things is the only way because all children are different and what works for one does not always work for the other. Plus people WILL get tired of your advice! :)

7. Read all the books you can before your child gets to certain stages in life just to give you a heads up on what to prepare for and train for...but don't forget to trust your motherly instincts in the process.

8. Don't forget to plan time without the little one. Date nights and just time apart is good for everyone and doesn't make you a bad mom.

9. You don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive toys...they won't care how much they cost and you will just spend hours picking them up so that you can go outside and play with a stick that is much more fun.

10. Take your child to church, talk about God at home, pray together, eat together, go camping, fishing, grocery shopping, get them out. Even though it is harder on you, it teaches them so much about the world around them!

Happy Birthday to my Parker! I love you with all my heart and hope that you teach me many more things in the many years to come!

1st Birthday!

2nd Birthday!

On the Brink of 3!