Gretchen, Greta, Goodie, Mommy: Call me what you want!

Gretchen, Greta, Goodie, Mommy:  Call me what you want!

Monday, September 13, 2010

7 Things that make me smile...All about Parker!

1. Even though it is not appropriate, I can't help but smile when Parker says, "I tooted...just like my dad" after passing gas! Anyone who knows Chris would say he deserves this one!

2. Hearing Parker talk about "mommy movies" like they are real places and people. "Mommy movies" are episodes of Little House on the Prairie which we watch one of everyday right after rest time. Parker talks about Ma, Pa, and Nellie Olsen like they live right down the street...he always says that Nellie is a mean girl!

3. Picking up Parker from preschool and hearing the first thing out of his mouth EVERY time be, "Did you bring me something sweet and sugary?" He thinks just being away from me even if he cried at drop off warrants something special...I must admit I usually do give him a little something...the boy loves his Dad again!

4. Even though it is tough to handle at times, Parker's little temper makes me smile...(on the inside only of course) because again this is something he gets from his Dad and I love his Dad so much and seeing the good/bad/or ugly that Parker displays naturally because of the fact that he is "a little Chris G." or a "little me" reminds me how wonderful it is to have been able to have a baby!

5. Seeing kids in general experiencing new things, getting excited, and the funny things that they think to say!

6. Hearing Parker say his prayers at the table which are..."Dear God thank you for my Father...Amen" Not sure how he got that from our normal suppertime prayer but it is so cute!

7. Parker directs me to tell him his "Rocky Story" after our prayers at night when we are together in the rocking chair. Amazingly he and Rocky never do anything wrong but Anna (who is our cute little neighbor at the lake) always gets into something and Rocky and Parker come to her rescue!

I love being a mom and of course other things in life make me smile too, but not as often as my little Park Bean! Thanks to God for my little man!

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