So glad that Chris cancelled the trip to the river this weekend, so instead we are staying home, entertaining friends, and getting some work done around the homestead! Yippee...this is rare for us!
1. Watch out for the full moon...I love it, I love the way it controls my mood...makes me feel so giddy and WILD...Thank goodness children will be around tonight...Mama might get buck wild! Nah...but when the moon starts low and orange and then slowly rises and lightens it just makes me feel so natural/romantic/happy...I remember being like 8 and riding my four-wheeler on Fall nights and seeing that same moon and it gave me that same feeling back then! I think that Fall is my most favorite season!
2. Thank the Lord that we are able to be excited about simple things like upcoming trips, moons, friends, weekends...I think about those who are sick or have sick children and how they can't go outside, or don't have the energy or the strength to enjoy things that they once had. It reminds me of the last six months of my Mamascoot's life (my grandmother) and how she layed in her bed day and night and didn't know one day from the next, she didn't realize it was her birthday anymore or Christmas. Or a child who I am praying for that is fighting a losing battle with cancer and how every single moment of everyday single day must be so hard for him and his parents/family. TEARS!!! OH it hurts so bad!!! Thank you Lord that I don't have this in my life at this time!
3. Money isn't all it is cracked up to be. Yeah we need it, yeah I love to shop (not for clothes but stuff), yeah you have to pay bills but in the grand scheme of things when you are dead and gone the things that you do and say are what defines you! That is what people will miss, that is what your family will yearn try to work a little less and don't let your job kill you! When you are dead and gone they will surely find someone to replace you and they will move on. Yuck! I am so thankful for the money and the job that provides for my family but I don't regret one second staying home with Parker and doing with a little less!
4. Remember when you encounter people that everyone has something that they are dealing with or going through that you know nothing about. We are so quick to judge, lash out at, and ignore people without really knowing the whole story. A waitress who might have made you wait too long to take your order, the person walking down the street cussing aloud while you walk within listening distance with your child, the worker in the pharmacy that gets yelled at b/c some one's prescription wasn't ready when they said it would be, and the lady yelling at the pharmacy worker. IT IS SO HARD NOT TO BE GUILTY OF THIS!!! I am so guilty! But I try to remember that the waitress could be on the phone in the kitchen with her babysitter because her child is sick and running a fever. The cussing walker could have just been layed off and doesn't know why! The lady yelling at the pharmacy worker could have a sick child at home who kept her up all night and desperately need the medicine right NOW! The pharmacy worker could have just gotten there after getting off from their first shift job and knows nothing of the situation and is doing her job to the best of her ability! We need to have compassion and understanding because we all are going through something!
5. Enjoy your weekend!
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