Gretchen, Greta, Goodie, Mommy: Call me what you want!

Gretchen, Greta, Goodie, Mommy:  Call me what you want!

Friday, November 12, 2010

I love to hear Parker talk...and if you know him you know that he does a lot of it now (much like his mommy I have been told). However being 3 leaves some funny/adorable words to be remembered! I wish that I could record all of the cute things he says b/c I know one day much too soon they will be words/phrases of the past. is a list of new words/phrases added to Webster's dictionary by Parker and myself. Enjoy!

1. insteada: insteada pretty much "instead of" but the way Parker uses it is hilarious! Example: I ask, "Parker would you like a glass of milk or water to go with your lunch?" Parker replies, "Mom, could I have a Hudson juice insteada?" OK so Hudson juice will be explained with #2

2. Hudson juice: n. Hudson juice is a Roaring Waters Capri Sun, grape flavored specifically. He doesn't refer to the other flavors as this...explanation: My best friend's son's name is Hudson. One day at a festival Hudson shared a Roaring Waters grape flavored Capri Sun with Parker. Every since then it has been known as Hudson juice! :)

3. ouch head: n. an ouch head is a light head butt shared between 2 people. Before you freak it isn't painful, only harmless and fun so please don't overreact. Parker, when he was younger more so than now, used to want to do an ouch head with me daily...afterwards he would say WHOA and just bust out laughing! I limited it to once a day b/c I didn't want him going around trying to do this with just everyone, but he had this thing about wanting an "ouch head" so that's that!

4. kiss out : several kisses given to someone very quickly. Parker will kiss me like crazy and say, "Mom did we just have a kiss out or what?" So precious! I love kiss outs and start them myself sometimes!

5. pow wow wow wow wow: These are definitely words that Parker chooses to use when he is angry/upset with himself! He might fall and hurt himself by tripping over a step and these are the first words out of his mouth. Always. I think that it is his way of getting out frustration when it is a situation he can't control!

6. Rocky story: n. this is a story about our pet rooster Rocky. Each night while I am rocking Parker will always say his prayers first and then he tells me what the Rocky story should be about. It always involves, Parker, Rocky, and Anna (who is our friend at the lake). Parker always wants Anna to do something to get in trouble...usually it is something that he may have gotten in trouble for during the day or something that he has thought about doing but didn't. Anna in real life is a sweetie so she isn't like the Anna in our stories! Anywho, I always try to make the stories teach lessons so that Parker understands why we can and can't do certain things! YOU CAN'T GO TO BED WITHOUT A ROCKY STORY!

7. Parker's prayers at mealtime...Not sure why but when he says prayers at mealtimes it is always the same strange prayer. "Dear Lord, thank you for my father." I think that he somehow got Dear Heavenly Father and something else confused but he refuses to say it any other way.

8. bee sting: n. the infamous shot. Whenever Parker has to get a vaccination I always tell him a mean old bee must have come into the room and stung him. Now he is too smart for that but last year it worked well. After we would leave the doctors office we would talk the whole way home about that mean old bee!

9. mommy movie: n. an episode of Little House on the Prairie. Each day after rest time Parker and I sit together with a snack on the couch and watch one episode of a mommy movie (LHOTP). It is so cute how he snuggles up and ask me all about what is going on. He knows who is nice, mean, who always gets in trouble etc. In his little mind the characters live somewhere that he just hasn't had the opportunity to go yet. He recently saw a picture of a mill in one of my college albums and asked me was that the mill where Charles (the dad on LHOTP) works. TOO cute!

10. needing an ear: Parker has never rubbed a blanket, doodled hair (like I still do) but he has always loved to bend and crunch the upper part of ears. When I used to rock him completely to sleep he had to have a hold on my ear constantly. Now it is more of a comfort thing. When in a strange/different situation he holds my ears, when playing he will sometimes run over to me and grab my ear and say, "I just needed an ear." It is somewhat annoying b/c it hurts but I let him do it b/c I know that it makes him feel better. Sometimes when he is playing with his friends I will even catch him reaching for their ears.

Parker never ceases to amaze me with the things that he says, does, and understands. I hope that they continue to be as cute as the ones listed above! :) Until next time!

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